Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Returning to NYC, May 9-28

Several pivotal moments in my (Daniela's) life happened in New York City. I don't even think I'd have switched careers to become a tango dancer if I hadn't come to the city as an IBM intern in 2001! I'll have to find the time soon for a post about that, but for now, suffice it to say that I'm really happy to return "home" after moving to Buenos Aires last July! It was great to see so many friends and students last weekend and we are looking forward to returning tomorrow, May 16th, for several more days.

Here are two videos from last Saturday's performance at the All-Night Milonga. There are few things Luis and I enjoy more than sharing our tango with beloved friends!

"Derrotado" by Di Sarli (romantic tango!)

"La Espuela" by D'Arienzo (mischievous milonga!)

Luis and I are coming back to NYC tomorrow, May 16st, and staying until Tuesday, May 21st. We'll also pass through town on Thursday, May 23rd and Tuesday, May 28th and will be available for private lessons throughout our stay. This weekend we are teaching and performing at Tango Nocturne on Saturday, performing at The Argentine Tango Lovers of Long Island on Sunday, and teaching 4 special workshops in the city on Saturday. The workshops will include a healthy, generous serving of technique (walking, turns in different styles) and dynamics/musicality, sprinkled with a twist in your tango vocabulary as we explore alteraciones in the end! For more information and registration, please check out the workshop web site. There are discounts for advance registration, couples and students!

"Transforming Your Dance From The Inside Out" in the U.S. for the first time this August!

After three successful years running our 20-hour immersion seminar in Buenos Aires, we are bringing it to the U.S. for the first time this August! If you were looking for the perfect summer escape, this may be your opportunity: 5 days combining intensive tango learning, dancing and hanging out at the beach:
  • 4 hours of instruction per day
  • nightly dancing
  • group limited to 20 students, at this point we are half full!
  • informal dancing/swimming/hanging out at the beach
  • $300/person registration fee includes 20-hour seminar plus 1 private lesson per 2 students
  • inexpensive transportation from NYC (Luis and I just paid $80/person for the round trip by bus from NYC for Memorial Weekend)
  • inexpensive accommodation (Days Inn Hotel is within 0.8 miles of the seminar and currently offers rooms at roughly $45/night)

Please email us at to register!

Also mark your calendars for our IV Buenos Aires Immersion Seminar, on February 11-14, 2014!